It's no surprise that the big streaming sites like Amazon and online companies like Wayfair are willing to spend large amounts on securing Primetime spots.

We see movement back to TV from companies fearing digital tactics that cause brand safety issues. There is also concern around a lack of universal measurement and vetting processes in digital and social platforms. This shift back to TV is not just the established brands we are used to seeing on TV. There is also a big wave of new D2C companies who have used digital as their primary launch platform looking to TV to gain the mass market scale that can only be achieved on TV.
Despite all the reports on of the decline in TV viewing figures and the continued growth of streaming sites, TV continues to lead the way when it comes to advertising spend. According to Variety estimates, the nation’s five largest English-speaking broadcasting networks secured between $9.6 billion and $10.8 billion for prime time ad-sales compared with last years numbers of $9.1 billion $10.6 billion.